First things first get your YouTube bundles and listen to “Nimeuona mkono wako Bwana” by Zabron singers then come back and comment on God’s deed in your life in 2019. Honestly this year no words are enough to describe my gratitude, especially for the support I have gotten from family, friends and you my readers. I did hope to travel more but things happened and I did less. I only did one hike at Nguruman and truth be told after hiking Elephants hills in 2018 I developed a hiking phobia (Its real guys). I would pay for a hike only to cancel a few days to the hike day. The freezing at elephant hills scared the hell out of my chest. This was the one time I suffered altitude sickness. As if this was not enough we got news that one of the hikers on that day had an attack and passed on. This are the things we need to show and tell as part of the experience and not just post summit photos. Nguruman though gave me this new courage and I pray to hike enough in 2020 and if possible summit Mt. Kenya. In this blog post I let my readers share their moments in 2019 and shout out the amazing people who put smiles on them this year.

We love by chance but choose to stay or leave. When everything goes down then you realize who is real and who is not. I know her story from Facebook but when you meet her in person she’s the opposite of her story. Her story is emotional and to have a friend like hers should be everyone’s goal. Let’s start with her shout out. But before that can we co-author next year 2 stories LG? (Wink, wink)
“Dear team leader,
The will to stick with my bipolar self in 2019 when everyone literally gave up, (I say everyone including myself) is selfless and I can never repay. 2019 has got me knocked down, deep than I’ve ever touched. You literally dragged me to the finish line. With little knowledge about the disorder but the zeal to learn and act. I applaud you. Such souls are rare.
My wish and thoughts is that when that time of need comes knocking your way, you get the right help from the right souls.
Happy New Year my team leader, Kami Mbaabu.
Yours truly Toto round LG Shiks”.

This year this guy called me aunty though he needed a favor. When he read my post he sent his pic and simply said I shout out myself aunty. I asked him why and he said, I did well in my exams and made you guys proud. Trust me I am proud of him. He scored 400 in his KCPE and will be joining Utumishi boys High School. He had no message but can I thank his mum on his behalf?
Dear MamaB,
Thank you for raising a sweet man and for taking good care of him. You are the strongest woman in my family and just you know you the reason I push myself to do better. Also thank you for your Attitude. I pray that God will continue to provide for your needs and those of Brian. May you never lack and may he stay blessed in his new phase. Happy New Year
Yours Cousin Yvonne”.

Remember this if I need money in January MamaB.
There is no love like that of a brother. Lilian though would differ for there has not been love like the love she’s experienced from her sister. Lilian and her sister are the most stylish sisters I have seen online. One though is a bit tomboy and the other one is more Cinderella. Who cares anyway?
“Dear Wanjiru,
We have walked through life together but most importantly 2019 is the year you selflessly stood by me and gave me the tough love i deserve….. To God and to you i owe this strong woman…. I wouldn’t have come this far if not for the pep talks. God bless you beyond what you can handle…. To infinity and beyond ✨❤
Yours baby sister.”

Now you can tell who the tomboy is and who Cinderella is.
You all know Janet right? She is my secret keeper at least till now. Its normal she was going to shout out Ann and I, but she chose Regina who I personally have met. Her message to Regina is even sweeter than our birthday messages but of importance is life.
“Dear Reggy,
I have come to love you. Before getting to know you, I thought you were too talkative?. But with time, I have realized something special about you other than the talks. You are nice, your heart has lots of room for care and you are full of wisdom.What I love about you most is the joy you are filled with. It’s a rare kind of joy. I call you miss contagious laughter, because when you laugh I literally laugh out of nowhere without even getting what the joke is.You are so God fearing and I love how you’ve become a good friend and how we talk out on issues.
Wagio Nakupenda bure”.

By now you wondering who my person is this year but let’s hear Ann and Ciira’s shout outs to your girl Yvonne.
“Dear Yvonne & Janet,
where do I start? you guys have been amazing friends and family to me, we might not communicate everyday but the bond’s still strong. As days goes by I thank God for the amazing sisters I have…. You are my answered prayers. Hey Janet your prayers are working too coz nowadays I go to church. I’m forever grateful. I might not say this often… I love you guys so much.
Yours no secret keeper Ann”.

I love you back Ann and for your love thank you.
Remember Diani guy? Yes, the tall one. This is what he had to say
“Dear Yvonne,
Yvonne Wakarindi is the most amazing person in my 2019. You are beautiful, strong, inspirational, determined and confident. You make me want to be a better person. I love you so much! ? ? ? You have shaped my 2019 and my life and made it so much better! I thank you for being in it.
Yours truly, beach boy”.

Hey person, you asked what I wanted for new years and for sure your continued support is all I need in 2020. To more sunrises and sets, to more kittens in the house and to more love and light moments.
Last but not least cheers to Chinku travels. You taking me with you on camping adventures cannot go unmentioned. May God keep blessing you and keep up that heart. To more affordable travels and to more awkward moments in the bush. A big thankyou to team Nguruman as well #agendichannelhosts.
My best trip? Diani tops followed by Nguruman and position three Elementaita camping.
Worst moment? Falling sick in Mombasa.
Lesson? Keep at it no matter what.
To all my readers thank you and more blessings in your lives. Happy 2020 guys!!!
4 CommentsPhenny Odera
Dec 30, 2019I know what elephant hill does to people I am yet to get over it. If you ever wonder, I am proud of you.
Cheers to an awesome 2020
Jan 2, 2020thank you . am still hesitant to be honest
Kaschana fupi nono round
Dec 30, 2019Yvonne you are amazing little soul. Will I sound awkward if I overlook happy and just wish you a peaceful 2020?
Did I read Co-author? Yes! Like yesterday.
Jan 2, 2020thank you fun human being and yes the bit on female solo travel to other countries can start . you spelt it well during nguruman