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So many of you have sent me Emails asking me about my next trip. Well, I am working on an events category and once its up I will share the link. Thank you for remaining loyal readers.

Hey, I’m Yvonne Iguku, young Kenyan life and travel blogger behind this wonderful blog( My mission in life being not to merely survive, but to thrive; and to do so with passion, compassion, humor and style. Inspired by nature and the happenings of nature, purposes to document and share life experiences and lessons drawn from the world of travel being a young first time traveler.

I look forward to experiencing life out of my daily comfort; back pack for an unknown destination, get lost on my way, spend a night in a whole, fix a puncture by myself, eat sluggish sea food and even swim through water bodies to my destinations. All this at a budget and affordable range.

Some of the posts will be off tours but inline of life from fashion, food, stress to photography. The wind in my sail is promising to stay behind me; Join me in discovering where the sky meets the sea.

Leave a comment, share and share your experiences with us!

Hope you Enjoy it.