I write this sitting on my bed, my laptop on my lap, a book and a pen on the left side, headphones on and a cup of exceptional tea on a stool next to the bed. My tea, though sweet, does not seem to perform the miracles expected of it. I am trying to fight Sunday’s hangover. It’s not easy. I have tried to
Google but nothing seems to work. You see, when you have had a good time you have to pay for it. Am I being punished for skipping church? Or am I not well armed for this battle? Should I reheat the tea? None of this seems to make sense. (Thank you to all those advising me to have some sleep, eat some junk or even drink hangover tea). Well, unlike alcohol-caused hangovers where you try soaking it up with a gastrointestinal cocktail of some greasy food and that pizza you ordered at 3 a.m., this is a different type of hangover. A fun, friends, music and dance caused hangover.
It all started on Sunday at 9 a.m. Being an early bird, I was at the venue (Uhuru Gardens) by 8:47 a.m. This was the Mega 2018 Plascon Kenya Colour Run! I had come along their flier on Facebook sometime in July, took a screenshot to share with my friends and even posted it on my WhatsApp status, to let those who would be interested know about it and plan for it. Well, after the event people still blamed me for not inviting them, yet they all viewed my status! (Too bad whatsapp status viewership is clear). Most tour operators I have interacted with know this feeling. “It’s all about interest and passion,” Njuguna reminds me when I start to feel bad about these accusations. On this particular day we head out with 3 of my friends Janet, Ann the lady from the article Helm of the Saddle, and Mr. Njuguna the sunrise chaser I met on a trip to Tsavo X Diani 12/29/2017 . It’s amazing how strangers from trips turn into friends and even travel buddies. Travel not to escape life but for life not to escape you. Meet people but choose who stays!

About the event
The Plascon Kenya Colour Run is known to be the best, biggest and most colourful event in Kenya. It aims at collecting funds which they use for charity works. The stakeholders start by announcing their event on most social media platforms especially on Facebook and Twitter. Truth is, their website is quite a thing when it comes to user friendliness. Their fliers are well designed; simple and informative. The prices were reasonable as well with kids below 5 years of age getting in free. On the event day at the entry you are required to submit your ticket either in hard or soft copy. If the ticket is valid you get a beautiful wrist band which we realize you cannot pass on to a friend as you would have to destroy it to have it off your wrist. Next you pick a t-shirt that was as white as snow with the Colour Run logo on the front and the event sponsors’ logos on the back, and finally a colour pack of your choice. My shoes were pink thus I got a pink pack, Janet and Ann picked green packs while Njuguna got a blue pack to match his blue shorts.
Inside the grounds the Color Run have a one-of-a-kind theme: massively entertaining MCs, thumping DJ music, running, jogging, skipping, and dancing which ensures that all participants have an absolute blast! Surrounding the dancing floor there are fun activities for the little ones e.g. bouncy castles and bead works stations and some tents set by various vendors to show case their products and services. Food and drinks are available in some of the tents at a small fee. After an hour of welcome speeches, introduction and zumba fitness dance, the 5km run officially starts.
The 5 km Run
The fun run involves people of all ages with the ability to either sprint, jog or even walk for both fun and fitness. What caught my attention is the ambulance going round just in case of an emergency though the distance is short. They are not taking chances as health is their number one goal! Through the 5 km route on a marked course round the Uhuru Gardens, participants are doused with coloured powder from head to toe after every few kilometers. Along the way you meet traditional dancers performing making the run more enjoyable. With my love for culture I forget my fears, join them and learn some moves.
The run is entirely focused on fun thus no competitive atmosphere though Janet and Ann are running most of the time, trying to showcase how fit they are though they don’t last long (laughing at them). On this particular one I choose to walk and jog a little with the “corrupt Kenyans” opting to take short cuts by jumping over the demarcation ribbons. For sure corruption is rampant in our country (Janet and Ann hello ladies). After the course, participants enjoy the ultimate color extravaganza with family and friends at the Finish Festival, featuring the world-famous colour throws! Dance challenges and Tweeting about the event get a few people prizes from different sponsors with one lady winning a fully paid trip to dubai courtesy of Twendebnb and the second one a washing machine courtesy of Ariel “Kwa mwosho mmoja tu”. Thanks giving from the stakeholders as the event come to the end. It’s worth attending! You meet friends you have not seen for some time, you make new friends and best of all you go home a happy champ.
Different colours ONE PEOPLE! Till the next edition let’s try find out where the sky meets the sea.