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Different colors one people Kenya color run 2018 edition

I write this sitting on my bed, my laptop on my lap, a book and a pen on the left side, headphones on and a cup of exceptional tea on a stool next to the bed. My tea, though sweet, does not seem to perform the miracles expected of it. I am trying to fight Sunday’s hangover. It’s not easy. I have tried to

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Malindi and Watamu Tour Day 1

Malindi town is at the mouth of the Galana river, lying on the Indian Ocean of Kenya. It is 120 kilometers northeast of Mombasa. The town is well known for its tourism and fishing activities bearing in mind the presence of the Malindi marine park managed by the KWS. It is the largest urban center in Kilifi county with one of the famous beach.

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Elephant Hill Hike

Ever gone through your memories of when you were 5 to 10 years of age? (If not, just take 3 minutes off the blog post and try figure out what you were up to back then, then come back). What did you remember? (Comment about it after the post). Those in the city during the 80s were busy watching G-Force Guardians of space and the real Alvin and the chipmunks before Theodore became adorable,...

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