- Imagine it was a job interview, tell us about Phenny
Up to date I still fumble with this question. Phenny is a comms specialist currently venturing into digital media and creating content on these platforms. I am a seasoned traveler and a hobbyist writer. Being a wanderlust, every day I hope I will get to travel far and wide and see what the world has to offer and write about it all. (You got the job come pick your letter!)

- Idea behind Phenny discovers?
Phennydiscovers is my baby that keeps me up at night. It is a platform close to my heart. I have always loved writing and travel though I only started traveling frequently a few years back. This is where we will get to talk about everything about travel and this life. I am naturally a storyteller so as I do what makes me happy, I am hoping someone will learn something. It has been a few months of blogging consistently and I should have been warned that there are days when your brain will refuse to co-operate and you will do nothing. Also, writing has been therapeutic and I am happy to be doing this. (Can I be honest with you? This is the only post I am posting without rethinking since it’s not my story. I feel you 100%)
- Best article on Phennydiscovers and on Mimitimes?
My best on your blog is ‘Smile~ Diani Edition’ if you are reading this and you haven’t read it then please check it out if not for anything else but for the featured photo. Don’t say I didn’t tell you. On mine has to be Beautifully Broken because it was raw and that was one story that I disabled my internet and went to bed because I wasn’t ready for what will be said after reading. Generally, #BrokenSeries has it since not everyone survives and talks about their pains. (Broken series I agree was the deal! On the photo drip is for a lifetime!)
- If company A and B had a weekend trip to Nakuru, company A included all meals and did basic accommodation while company B offers no meal but accommodation in one of the high end hotels with a swimming pool and all that, which company will you choose?
I am assuming all that includes exploring right? Definitely B. I am one person who would sleep anywhere as long as it is bedbug free and eat what is there as long as it does no harm to my stomach. I can’t swim to save my life but I would still choose the pool. I travel for experience, see what that place has to offer and hopefully learn a thing or two from the locals. Don’t get it twisted I love executive travel who doesn’t though? (Pesa Otas aaah !)
- When shopping online for a trip what are your 3 look at things?
Itinerary, accommodation and food in that order.
- Your best and worst travel experience so far?
I am not sure if I have had a bad experience but my good experiences are many. Takawiri tops it then Mwanza those trips were amazing and I would go back for the road trip and just to experience that awesomeness again and again. (We met at Takawiri in 2018)
- Destination not being a factor, what are your 5 must have items in your travel bag?
Black jeans, sunscreen, my phone, toiletries, a book. (Ngomas are screaming at your betrayal phenny)
- Your last series has been amazing what got you to do it?
Quarantine made me do it hehe. I did it for me. Most people would opt for closure but to me that was not an option. I can’t stand giving someone a second chance to justify why they did what they did. It was a chance to speak about everything and lay them bare. Rarely do we allow ourselves to feel the pain and being alone during quarantine made me get in touch with my emotions and I was elated that there are people who were actually interested to be part of that series. Let’s keep on telling those stories healing will eventually find us. (Can we declare closure a scum?)
- As a social media expert give us 3 tips for anyone opening up a social media account for their business?
First start with a plan here is where you create your goals and objectives. Do research on who your competitors are.
-Decide on what platforms that will work for your business
-Do a research on your audience. Make sure you understand them. This will help your business bigtime. (Wow)
- Lastly give us a parting shot, advice or even question
Everything you want is on the other side of fear. Go for it!!
I met Phenny on one of my random overland trips in Rusinga island, wine was tossed a sunset was witnessed and just like that contacts were exchanged. To date we talk travel, life and above all putting in God and work. To typing and deleting, to the brain not cooperating, to going offline after posting but most importantly to clicking the post button Phenny! Stay safe and blessed.

A big shout out to Anka Resort Nanyuki for an amazing weekend and the bonfire!
2 CommentsPhenny Odera
Aug 4, 2020I read this like I didn’t write it.
Thank you for this it is an honour.
? To making more memories on the road.
Aug 26, 2020you are amazing